Okay, so here's the thing. I really didn't want to do this. I'm really tired of seeing posts from both the supporters and dissenters of Dan Cathy and his deliciously beloved Chick-Fil-A. But, I wanted to provide an even-keeled statement about my feelings toward the topic.
First thing's first - I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A! I have never eaten anything in their restaurant that didn't leave me immediately wanting more, but I much prefer a number 5 8-count with lemonade. Did you know that you can even get a grilled cheese sandwich there? And I love trading in my toy from the kids' meal for an IceDream. Admittedly, as a cynic, sometimes it drives me crazy when they say "my pleasure" but I let that slide because most of the time I can tell that it really is their pleasure. Chick-Fil-A has employed many of my friends and every one of them genuinely loved their job which is more than a lot of us can say. So, while I don't necessarily agree with the opinion expressed by their C.O.O., I will respect the fact that he has a right to that opinion and I pray that others will recognize this right regardless of their opinion.
But here's the main point of my blog - I love Jesus more. I believe that Jesus' words define my life, and while Jesus frequently opposed those in power who abused that aspect of their lives, he himself said that loving your neighbor as you love yourself bears as much weight as the greatest commandment to love God. I have many gay friends. Two of them I consider my best friends and both of them are in loving, committed, monogamous relationships. One of them will stand beside me as a bridesmaid in my wedding in April. I can proudly say that I love them. I love them not only because they are my "neighbor" as defined by Jesus - I love them because they make me smile, they have wonderful senses of humor. I love them because they provide shoulders to cry on when life gets me down. I love them because they come to me when they need a shoulder to cry on. I do not condemn them, partly because I see nothing for them to be condemned for, but mainly because Jesus didn't condemn either (John 3:17).
So while I won't be joining any boycotts of Chick-Fil-A (I had lunch there today), I also won't apologize for my love and support for gay and lesbian people. If you feel that I need to apologize for that, then perhaps it is time for all of us to pay attention to the second half of the greatest commandment - loving ourselves requires us to love all people and, like Jesus, we should do this without condemnation. So, until further notice, I'm leaving the judgement up to God and following Jesus by standing up for what I believe to be right. And if someday I find out I'm wrong, then God can judge me too.