For all my life, I have HATED surprises. I'm not quite sure you understand how much I'm emphasizing hate. Here's an example: when I was little, my parents surprised me and my sister with a trip to DisneyWorld....THE MOST WONDERFUL PLACE ON EARTH!! And I was enraged. How did they expect me just to drop all of my 12-year-old, adolescent world plans and leave for DisneyWorld in 3 days? I got over it, but I think I still kinda hold a grudge. Anyway, this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down...(you see what I did there?)
well guess what! I'm engaged...and it was a TOTAL SURPRISE! And apparently it's been almost 3 whole days now and it's still real life so I guess it's really happening. I am still so shocked and ecstatic and amazed and absolutely STOKED (if I use a word like stoked to describe an engagement emotion, does that make me too young to get engaged? hope not!). Anyway, here's how it happened:
William's ordination was on Sunday. I was SO excited to get to spend this day with him and his family in fellowship and celebration of his big day! I hadn't met a majority of his family - cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. They were all there and it was wonderful to meet them. The service was beautiful and meaningful and I'm almost positive the entire state of Georgia came and laid hands on him. After the service, there was a reception, so everyone headed to the fellowship hall. William wanted a whole family photo, so the entire family (including me) gathered on the steps of the sanctuary and we took a picture.
I went with William down to his office to drop some things off then headed to the fellowship hall. Before we got in, William pulled me back and gave me a hug and kissed me and said, "I just wanted to thank you for what you said during the laying on of hands. It means a lot." Well, I always get so frazzled when I lay on hands (mainly because I feel pressure for time constraints and for some reason I get crazy nervous) that I had forgotten what I'd said except something along the lines of, "I can't wait to be able to support each other's ministries for the rest of our lives." Well, we walked into the fellowship hall and people are chattering and enjoying punch and cupcakes and William wants to make an announcement. He loves to socialize and be around and with people, so this was no surprise to me. He said, "Can I get everyone's attention? I just want to thank you all for being here today and for supporting me and my ministry." But then, something kinda crazy happened. He said, "I also want to introduce to you all my girlfriend, Mary Kate Christian." (At this point, I'm thinking, "I already know a majority of these people and I'm not doing anything anymore special than what your family has done today...") and he says, "and in front of my family and our friends..." (then he pulls me forward a little bit) "...and her family" and I see my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, my precious niece, and two best friends and think, "holy cow something is about to happen." That's when this picture was taken...

So anyway, I'm getting married to the man of my dreams!! I'll let you all know as soon we we have an official date set, but it won't be until I graduate next May (2013). Thank you all for your excitement and words of support and encouragement. It's going to be an amazing and exciting journey!!