Well friends, I am officially halfway done with seminary. I have learned so much while being at McAfee. Of course, I've studied under biblical scholars and church historians and world renowned preachers and will never underestimate the importance of that. But I've never realized the truth behind the Mark Twain quote, "don't let your schooling get in the way of your education" until seminary.
I have made some incredible friends. As a first year student last year, I gravitated toward the second year students and we immediately bonded. Guys and girls alike - they became my family. In seminary, you don't just battle the drama of friendships (although that definitely still happens too...just because we're called by a higher authority does not mean we're above the drama), but you go through a spiritual journey. You discover yourself in a deeper way than you ever have before. Some days you hate it and feel trapped by your beliefs, some days you're freed and feel better than you've ever felt in your life.
This year, I realized the impending graduation of my now-third-year friends. This made me really sad, but instead of dwelling, I invested in the friendships of the girls in my class...and that has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. They're wonderful. We sit up and laugh and gossip and drink wine just like any other group of twenty-something girls you'll ever meet.
But more importantly, we cry and yell and comfort each other too. I'm not sure I'll ever forget the night that Mary (first row on the left) offered to come over and console me at 1 in the morning when I was having a terrible night. She sat there and held me and let me cry and this means more to me than she'll ever know.

[Feel free to quit reading now if you're opposed to sap.]
I also have an amazing boyfriend. I feel so cheesy for talking about it - I'm not really a publicly lovey-dovey kind of girl, but I can't really help it when it comes to him...plus, Rachel posted about her boyfriend (now fiance!!!!) in the same fashion, so I feel like that's permission enough.
Anyway, William is wonderful. He's been there for me through everything I've dealt with. And even though our relationship hasn't been the easiest thing to get off the ground, now that it is, I couldn't ask for anything more. He gets me. We have the same sense of humor, we listen to the same kind of music, we are passionate about the same things. It just works. It's in the silly little things...like when he winks at me or sends me text messages that make me laugh just because he knows they will. We can have serious conversations about important things in our lives and then 15 minutes later be talking in goofy accents and laughing hysterically. I like him because he's him and he likes me because I'm me and because of that, there's zero pressure. There's really nothing more to say about it other than repeating myself over and over. He's great, it works, I'm happy, end of story.
So to put it simply, I have loved being at McAfee. My professors are amazing, my friends are wonderful, and I've never felt more at home anywhere else. I truly expect for these people to be in my life for a long time in some capacity or another. I love you all and thank you for the impact you've had on my life. It won't be soon forgotten. Merry Christmas to you all, and I'll see you all in the new year!