Anyway, the problem is called, "I lack the ability to express my own emotions because I want to use other people's waxing, poetic lyrics or words." Sounds complicated, huh? It's a serious condition. And it is one with which I have been suffering for years now. I mean, really. I can find lyrics or quotes that apply to every situation in my life and I'm both a little impressed and a little depressed. It is both a virtue and a vice.
Even now, as I sit here writing this, my mind is full of ramblings from movies and songs that are perfect for this scenario. For example, "So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around?" This quote comes from no other than You've Got Mail, one of my favorite movies that I can quote at the drop of a hat; except, for me, it's so much of what I hear in songs. Or another example: the lyrics from 3x5 by John Mayer, "maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm in the mood to lose my way with words." I'm always in the mood to lose my way with words...just not my own.
Every night before I go to bed, I search for 30 minutes for lyrics to tweet. Really? 30 minutes? That is pitiful, Mary Kate. No matter what is going on in my life; single or in a relationship, happy or sad. But, once I find those perfect lyrics or that ideal quote that explains how I feel to a tee, I feel so accomplished. This is probably pitiful too, but at least I admit it, right?
I guess I decided to write this blog when I was talking with my best friend the other day and said this to him: "I'm tired of living life through someone else's words. I need someone to direct my own at...directly." I'm all about support of women's rights, and equal opportunities for women, and men and women being equal in relationships, but this, in no way, lessens my desire to be with some (preppy beyond belief, funny, slightly badass) guy. Call me silly if you want, I don't care...I'm just being real.
Thank you for listening to me be a stereotypical girl. This will happen again in a few months. And so until then, to end this post, I will quote Jason Mraz in "You and I"..."well I'm almost finally, finally out of words..."